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Can Ed Sheeran heat up hot sauce sales?
The pop singer’s teamed up with Heinz for his Tingly Ted’s brand – and he’s not the only one bringing star power to zingy sauces
Category Report
Why energy brands are hitting the booze
Monster and Mountain Dew look set to bring alcoholic options to the UK’s thriving energy drinks sector. What’s behind their plans?
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Can video games keep energy sales booming?
Red Bull and Monster reckon video game tieups will keep energy drinks flying off shelves. Could they also broaden their appeal?
Category Report
How oil is navigating troubled waters: edible oils category report 2023
Droughts in Spain are heaping fresh pressure on olive oil prices. How are brands and shoppers reacting?
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Are lower butter prices sustainable? Butters & spreads category report 2023
Cuts in own-label butter prices are a small sign of deflation. But with suppliers still under pressure, could they be soon reversed?
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How rice beat the cost of living crisis: rice, pulses & noodles category report 2023
Rice commodity prices continue to soar. How is this affecting bulk rice sales and the formerly booming ready-to-heat pouch market?
Category Report
Has HFSS made snacking more virtuous? Healthy snacking category report 2023
Seven months after the implementation of HFSS rules to cut sales of unhealthy food, how has snack merchandising changed?
Category Report
Does ‘plant-based’ need to signify a healthy diet? Healthier snacking category report 2023
For a long time, vegan was shorthand for health in the snacking arena. A new crop of brands like Crave are going the opposite way
Category Report
The healthy snack incubator: category report 2023
Supermarkets and investors are pushing incubator schemes that encourage health credentials. What are the benefits on offer?
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Why soft drinks brands are reaching for the stars: category report 2023
Coca-Cola has bet on limited editions in the past year, and it’s not alone. So why are soft drinks brands taking so many moonshots?
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Can bakers make premiumisation pay? Bread category report 2023
Brands are struggling in the cost of living crisis – especially in wrapped bread. But they are fighting back with savvy innovation
Category Report
What can challengers learn from Prime? Soft drinks category report 2023
Prime has racked up explosive sales thanks to its celebrity status. Does it hold any lessons for other up-and-coming drinks brands?
Category Report
Could looming inflation squeeze soft drinks? Category report 2023
While hedges have helped keep inflation down in soft drinks, some are warning of impending pressure on the cost base
Category Report
Does Scotland’s DRS have a future? Soft drinks category report 2023
New first minister Humza Yousaf has pushed the scheme back to 2024. Are even more changes of plan on the cards?
Category Report
How can canned brands stand up to price inflation? Canned and ambient category report 2023
Branded volumes have fallen 18% as cheaper own label lines gain ground. How can they avoid crashing further?
Category Report
How have the HFSS rules changed yoghurts? Yoghurts category report 2023
Indulgent yoghurts and pot desserts are suffering from volume slumps. Do they have a future in the post-HFSS environment?
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What’s on at the UK Food & Drink Shows 2023
The UK Food & Drink Shows 2023 will bring together grocery’s best brands and leading experts. Here’s how to make the best of it
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Why are nut sales falling? Nuts category report 2023
Sales of nuts have tumbled as Brits reach instead for a packet of crisps. What can suppliers do to reverse the decline?
Category Report
Can brands reverse the slump in popcorn sales?
Volume sales of branded popcorn have fallen by almost a fifth in the past year
Category Report
How Walkers is winning in troubled times: crisps, nuts & snacks category report 2023
Big crisps brands have succeeded in a season of lacklustre potato yields, HFSS restrictions and inflation. Can they keep it up?