
Adamo Foods secures £1.5m funding to bring meat alternative steak to market

UK-based Adamo Foods has secured £1.5m in funding to develop meat alternatives products and bring them to market

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Where startups find funding when investment dries up

Rising inflation rates and a cost of living crisis are scaring investors off food and drink challengers

Allplants retail freezer web

Allplants slashes valuation in pursuit of profitability

DTC plant-based player Allplants has slashed its valuation as part of a £10m fundraising from its existing backers amid increasing pressure on the vegan category

Fauxmagerie web

Sentient Ventures backs trio of female-founded plant-based brands in maiden investments

The fund – launched last year by the team behind Veg Capital – is backing plant-based cheesemonger La Fauxmagerie, vegan pizzeria Purezza and plant-based chicken maker Rebellyous


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